A Full Plate: Examining the Current Challenges in Cybersecurity

Private Dinner Brussels Brussels, Belgium

From rising ransomware attacks to stricter cyber insurance requirements, organizations may feel like maintaining their cybersecurity program is an exercise in adding more to an already full plate. Here is an opportunity for a candid discussion with your peers on specific challenges in cybersecurity and how to address them. Join us to discuss: 1) How […]

Mastering Omnichannel Content: Harnessing AI for the Ultimate Digital Experience

Private Dinner London London, United Kingdom

Harnessing AI is essential for mastering omnichannel content. AI tools like GPT-4 can generate text and automate video creation, saving time and resources. Personalisation is enhanced through AI-driven segmentation and dynamic content adjustments. AI optimises content distribution, improves SEO, and refines strategies with tools like Clearscope. But without leveraging the quality content stockpiles brands have […]