There is no AI strategy without a data strategy.

Private Dinner London London, United Kingdom

Do you have the core elements of your data foundation in place to enable your organisation to capture the upsides of AI without falling victim to the hype cycle? Join […]

Leveraging intelligent automation & AI for improved business outcomes

Private Dinner Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands

Organizations are changing spending patterns to improve margins and find cash flow to fund potential recessionary challenges. Digital transformation is a top priority to address the economic downturn, indicating opportunities to improve efficiency and/or business value. As IT teams across the globe are faced with the growing expectations of doing more with less, intelligent automation […]

Navigating the Impact: Understanding the Implications of the New UK Corporate Governance Code for Your Organisation

Private Dinner London London, United Kingdom

In this informative session, we delve into the intricacies of the recently implemented UK Corporate Governance Code and its profound implications for your organisation. As the regulatory landscape evolves, it's crucial to comprehend how these changes directly affect your business strategies, operations, and compliance frameworks. Our subject matter experts will lead the discussion around the […]

Fortifying Your Business: Cybersecurity Resilience in Action

Private Dinner London London, United Kingdom

In a world where cyber and ransomware attacks are at an all-time high and increasingly sophisticated, it's becoming ever more apparent that it's more a matter of if, not when an organisation will face such a threat. ... and if that organisation is yours, do you know how long it will take you to recover […]

Leveraging intelligent automation & AI for improved business outcomes

Private Dinner London London, United Kingdom

Organizations are changing spending patterns to improve margins and find cash flow to fund potential recessionary challenges. Digital transformation is a top priority to address the economic downturn, indicating opportunities to improve efficiency and/or business value. As IT teams across the globe are faced with the growing expectations of doing more with less, intelligent automation […]

The Voice Revolution, Leveraging AI to Transform Customer Experiences.

Private Dinner London London, United Kingdom

As voice technology evolves, AI is revolutionising the way customers interact with brands. With organisations striving to enhance customer satisfaction, streamline operations, and edge out the competition, AI-powered voice solutions are emerging promising seamless, intuitive, and personalised customer interactions. But before IT leaders can begin driving business success, there are plenty of challenges to overcome […]

Shaping Financial Services CX with Next-Gen Customer Communications

Private Dinner London London, United Kingdom

As we navigate through an era defined by digital innovation, customer expectations are reaching unprecedented heights. The financial sector, traditionally known for its conservative nature, needs to embrace this shift towards customer engagement. This transformation is not merely about adopting new technologies; it's about revolutionising the very fabric of how financial services communicate, connect, and […]

A Full Plate: Examining the Current Challenges in Cybersecurity

Private Dinner London London, United Kingdom

From rising ransomware attacks to stricter cyber insurance requirements, organizations may feel like maintaining their cybersecurity program is an exercise in adding more to an already full plate. Here is an opportunity for a candid discussion with your peers on specific challenges in cybersecurity and how to address them. Join us to discuss: 1) How […]

The Price of Security: Assessing and Managing Cyber Risks

Private Breakfast London London, United Kingdom

Without quantifying cyber risks, organizations face significant uncertainty when making decisions about investments in cybersecurity measures, strategic planning, and policy development. In this session we will look at strategic decision-making insights and how gaining a deeper understanding of how quantification of cyber risks can inform strategic planning, investment priorities, and policy development. From there we […]

Bridging the Gap: Converging SecOps and Identity Management for Enhanced Cybersecurity

Private Dinner London London, United Kingdom

The convergence of Security Operations (SecOps) and Identity Management is an emerging trend in cybersecurity, by bringing these areas together we can enhance an organisations security and efficiency through comprehensive visibility. But these practices have different stakeholders, different budgets and often talk a different language – one thinks about risk the other about process. Join […]

The Community Effect: How to tap into the strongest customer networks to drive your revenue

Virtual Event, USA , United States

Do you know what is better than a new customer? A customer that tells their entire community about your brand. One of the best ways to do this is identify communities that are great at making connections, rewarding those communities, and forming relationships with them. In this session, we’ll share best practices of community marketing […]