Navigating the Mental Health Crisis Among CISOs

In the fast-evolving world of cybersecurity, the role of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) has become increasingly stressful, leading to a significant mental health crisis within this community. The pressures faced by CISOs are multifaceted, stemming from the need to defend against sophisticated cyber threats, manage team shortages, and maintain organizational security amidst constant digital transformation.

Whitepaper: AI in the Energy Industry

In an ever evolving landscape, it is the energy-forward companies that are outpacing their peers by leveraging AI to drive sustainable growth, optimise resource management, and revolutionise customer engagement. The pace of change within the energy sector demands innovative solutions. Navigating the transition to renewable resources, grappling with regulatory complexities, redefining customer interactions and operational efficiency – leveraging AI can transform obstacles into opportunities for sustainable innovation. The pressing question for energy leaders now is how.

The Technology Leaders Club recently brought together leaders from global energy companies for a roundtable conversation to discuss the following:

Whitepaper | Cloud Migration Success Means Looking – and Learning – Before You Leap

New hybrid cloud approaches require enhanced collaboration with vendors and heightened vigilance against security vulnerabilities. Cloud native networks and applications offer tremendous benefits: greater agility, faster release time, shorter time to market, lower costs and the potential for organisations to avoid vendor lock in. However, no change is without challenge.