Leveraging intelligent automation & AI for improved business outcomes

Private Dinner Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands

Organizations are changing spending patterns to improve margins and find cash flow to fund potential recessionary challenges. Digital transformation is a top priority to address the economic downturn, indicating opportunities […]

Leveraging intelligent automation & AI for improved business outcomes

Private Dinner London London, United Kingdom

Organizations are changing spending patterns to improve margins and find cash flow to fund potential recessionary challenges. Digital transformation is a top priority to address the economic downturn, indicating opportunities […]

The Voice Revolution, Leveraging AI to Transform Customer Experiences.

Private Dinner London London, United Kingdom

As voice technology evolves, AI is revolutionising the way customers interact with brands. With organisations striving to enhance customer satisfaction, streamline operations, and edge out the competition, AI-powered voice solutions […]

Shaping Financial Services CX with Next-Gen Customer Communications

Private Dinner London London, United Kingdom

As we navigate through an era defined by digital innovation, customer expectations are reaching unprecedented heights. The financial sector, traditionally known for its conservative nature, needs to embrace this shift […]

A Full Plate: Examining the Current Challenges in Cybersecurity

Private Dinner London London, United Kingdom

From rising ransomware attacks to stricter cyber insurance requirements, organizations may feel like maintaining their cybersecurity program is an exercise in adding more to an already full plate. Here is […]

The Price of Security: Assessing and Managing Cyber Risks

Private Breakfast London London, United Kingdom

Without quantifying cyber risks, organizations face significant uncertainty when making decisions about investments in cybersecurity measures, strategic planning, and policy development. In this session we will look at strategic decision-making […]